Saturday, 24 March 2012

GRAMMY Award winning Sound Engineer - Carlos 'Storm' Martinez - speaks on LIFE! CAMERA ACTION...

Storm (R) Pravin Kamble LCA Production team (L)  

Q&A with New York based award winning Sound/Mixing Engineer, Carlos 'Storm' Martinez about his experience as the Post-Production Supervisor on the highly praised & Internationally Acclaimed film LIFE! CAMERA ACTION... produced & directed by Rohit Gupta.

'Storm' as many know him is 10 times Grammy Nominated and a Grammy Award winning Sound/Recording Engineer and Mixer. His role as the sound engineer in the film 'God of Love' won the Best Live Action Short at the Oscars 2011. He has worked with the legends in the industry for many years including Justin Timberlake, Patti Labelle, Jill Scott, Roots to name a few from a vast list. His work won Justin Timberlake the Best Male POP & Best POP performance at the 2004 Grammy; Patti Labelle, 2005 Grammy nomination for the Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performer; The Roots, 2004 Grammy nomination for the Best Rap Album & Jill Scott, 2001 Grammy nomination for the Best R&B Album.

Sotrm with daughter Tava Rose 

How did this transition from music to movies happened?

Movie transition happened accidentally when I moved to NYC. The scene died in Philadelphia so I needed to move somewhere I could work and support family and myself.  Once I got to NYC I answered a Craigslist ad for some needing a short film mixed. I thought, "If I can mix a record, I can mix a film."

After getting the project files from the producer, I erased everything they had in there and did all of the sound again-After hearing everything they told me I was the sound designer as well!  As a music engineer we read the manuals to all of the latest effects boxes so that we can manipulate sound in any way possible, the problem is that most musicians don't want their sounds manipulated that much but in film world where someone hands you a dream sequence that's silent and say "bring this to life" I get to have real fun with noise tweaking.

How was the Oscars experience?

Surreal-- I decided a few years ago that if I could succeed in the music business then I could do the same in the film industry.  I was surprised  (to say the least) that a film I worked on would win an Oscar before I reached the "Hollywood" level of films but I'm not complaining. Just looking forward to what comes down the road next.

What was the Grammy experience like?

Long journey- I went from dancing for rap groups, to hanging in demo studios, to working at a world-class facility, to engineering a winning album/record.  I never really planned on being a recording engineer, It just happened more or less.

You have worked on several records/films, how was the experience working as the Post-Production Supervisor on LIFE! CAMERA ACTION... a movie not your native language?

Really eye's and ears opening experience! If you watch the film there are probably two scenes that have location audio. 85% of the film is dubbed!  ADR, foley, sound design ambiences were all added after the fact.  It was a pretty big job considering my crew at the time was 4 people. This really show's what a small group of focused people can do when they need to.

Life Camera Action 

The 2nd language was a lot in the beginning but after a few meeting and lots of phone calls with Rohit I got to really know the characters and what each scene was trying to express.  Once I understood that the language thing wasn't that big of a deal. During ADR it came back again because I really needed help from Rohit and Ravi-checking sync, making sure pronunciation was correct. The fact that we dubbed everything actually turned out to be a plus since we didn't have to worry about anything matching original lines because there weren't any. Plus I learned some Hindi/Punjabi words and I know the hand sign for "Restroom please." (laughs).

What did the post-production process entail?

Color correction on the one hand, Audio on the other. Score on the other. Keeping everyone on the same page so that deadlines were manageable and realistic. This was a pretty small group of people doing a lot of things, all at the same time. Sean was doing color at Post works and a set schedule so that we could time the end of sound and score together and be ready for mixing against the color corrected picture. This also meant that everything (ADR, Foley, etc.) could have no hiccups without knocking everything off track.  Add to that we had actors based in various locations who all had multiple scenes to do. We (Rohit, Ravi and myself) were in sync all the time and knew where we are headed.

The dubbing with over 15 actors was completed in a record 4 days. What's your secret ?

Hard working actors and director.  A lot of food deliveries and stamina on everyone's part.  On planning side, we did a really detailed spotting session at the dub stage-so we knew exactly what we needed to get.  Scheduling came into play with picking which actors came on which days.  The experienced ones flew thru it and the not so experienced ones were a little slower. Everyone really had to focus hard though, Actors had to redo entire scenes, Rohit, the Director had to listen and approve all performances, engineer had to stay awake.  Another thing that helped us was the fact that a lot of shows/movies are totally dubbed-so the actors came into the situation prepared for that, It wasn't something new and strange, it was the way things were done.

What kinds of goals in mind did you have while working on the film?

It's not like Star Wars where we had to create any iconic sounds. What we did was recreate the NYC sound scape that supports the story. Once that world was in place, you could watch the story and be in there with Reina (protagonist). Any movie that has crappy sound is going to be panned by the average consumer and most people won't take it serious. So we really focused on getting all of the real life things in there but nothing that would stand in the way of the story's dialog.

Of course, Rohit was really supportive of what I thought and gave me a lot of freedom to do my thing.  It can be hard when you have people standing over your shoulder asking you, "what's that sound for?"  The whole film for us was about conveying the characters emotions so the mix was really important to what the audience experienced. Where dialog should be compared to music, ambience, etc. Going for the "less is more" strategy-we were always looking for the simplest way to express the story.

According to you how much of a role does post production played in the creation of LIFE! CAMERA ACTION...?

Pretty serious as the entire thing is dubbed. So that process plus organizing color correction, subtitles, online etc. became a good amount of work.  The story was there with the script that Rohit came up with but I think that the movie became what the audience is seeing now during post. Before that it just wouldn't have stood up against other films from a production standpoint.

Do you still do music?

Very little outside of the film projects we work on.  I miss it sometimes but those days are gone.  I love what I'm doing now so I don't mope around about it like some music biz 90's all star.

What do you recommend to do or ways, for someone who simply wants to try their hand at Sound design and music production? 

Learn all you can, there's more out there then you think you know.  Try ideas, you never know what will work.  Stick with it-to quote Joseph Campbell "Follow your bliss." Just start doing some film school projects or whatever else you can get your hands on.  Everyone starts somewhere and you have to learn the basics as well as have a body of work that you can show to directors.  There are a few good books out there that will give you some basics and lingo but I would think the best thing to do would be to get a film and start playing with it.

Last but not least: Any comments on the stupendous success of LIFE! CAMERA ACTION...?

Reina (protagonist) follows her bliss, just like Rohit and the rest of us do! (smiles) & signs off....

Storm owns Creative Mixing a sound recording company based in New York

Written by Rohit Gupta & Amanda Sodhi, LIFE! CAMERA ACTION... has won numerous 
international accolades & awards including highest honors & some of the top awards at film festivals around the world. "The film is an inspiring story of a young girl who sets off to pursue a career in filmmaking against all odds."  and stars an acclaimed cast including Dipti Mehta, Shaheed Woods, Noor Naghmi & John Crann among others. 


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