Monday, 5 November 2012

Challa gali gali rulda phire... Jab Tak Hai Jaan

Sandip soparkar and jesse Randhawa's One of a Kind Depiction of the Ramayana

Jesse, Sandip Soparkar with Raveena Tandon

One of a Kind Depiction of the Ramayana
In a never seen before Dance Form
 episodes unfold through Latin & Ballroom styles presented by Sandip Soparkar and his troupe ,Raveena Tandon loved the show and sat through the evening with her mother,
She was completetly taken aback with sandip 'and jesse beautiful performance
Aditya kapoor ,with mrs shammi kapoor,smiley suri,jasvir kaur,amit dholawat,bharat and dorris

All this for a cause.... Cancer Awareness   
Sandip soparkar being a perfectionist had put a great show ,nisha Harale was the anchor for the evening

Performers :-  Jesse Randhawa, Sandip Soparrkar, Amit Dolawaat, Jassi Kaur lost of c & Students of the Studio 

Chief Guest :- Raveena Tondon

Claudia Ciesla’s Balma Akshay Kumar

The firangi gori- Claudia Ciesla- earlier had denied all the link ups with her costar yet now she has her heart settled on one. Her balma! The chick in a dazzling attire of black and silver, shaking her hips on a retro track and calling out to her balma in a dance club is a rare sight but the tantalizing dance number,  has all that and a bombshell-Claudia- grooving to the desi beats. Alongside Claudia is the Khiladi 786- Akshay Kumar.
Sung by Shreya Ghosal and Sreeram the dance number is penned by Sameer Anjaan. Its titillating lyrics well matched with beats and moves of Claudia has put the audience in awe. Talking about this dance number the diva says, “It was a dream to share space with Akshay in my first item song. I´m so thankful to God for giving me this big opportunity. Ganesh master’s choreography did magic on me, I could explore myself, now I know what my body is capable of” Spicing the item song with latkas and jhatkas will sure mesmerize her fans but did she find her real Balma? To which she laughs, “Yes my ultimate love is dancing! And after having gotten this chance what more could I ask for?

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Talaash Muskaanein Jhooti Hai Song

मुम्बई के मढ़ मे सम्पन्न हूई फिल्म “भंवरी का जाल” की शूटिंग

सन 2011 में हुए एक दर्दनाक हादसे ने ना सिर्फ राजस्थान को बल्कि केंद्र के सरकार को भी हिला कर रख दिया, जब एक छतीस (36) वर्षीया नर्स भंवरी देवी राजस्थान के बिलारा तहसील के जलिवाडा गाँव की रहने वाली एक दिन अचानक लापता हो गई। उसके पति अमरचंद ने तत्कालीन राजस्थान के मंत्री महिपाल मदेरणा पर अपनी पत्नी के अपहरण का इलज़ाम लगाते हुए प्रेस को बयान दिया की “मैंने कहा था उनसे की वो मेरी पत्नी को फोन न किया करे पर उलटे उन्होंने मेरी पत्नी पर ही दोष लगाया”। कहा जाता है की भंवरी के पास मदेरणा और कुछ अन्य मंत्रियों के साथ अतरंग दृश्यों का सी डी था जिसे वो उन्हें ब्लैकमेल करती थी। इस भंवरी देवी कांड ने राजस्थान सरकार को हिला कर रख दिया, यहाँ तक की मुख्य मंत्री अशोक गहलोत को अपने मंत्रिमंडल में भारी फेरबदल करना पड़ा।

इस घटना से आंदोलित होकर बॉलीवुड के एक फिल्म निर्माता रन्जीत शर्मा ने इसकी सत्य कहानी पर आधारित भंवरी देवी के जीवन पर एक फिल्म “भंवरी का जाल” का निर्माण, निर्देशक राकेश सैनी के निर्देशन में शुरू कर दिया, हाल ही में जोधपुर शहर के सेंट्रल जेल में इस फिल्म की शूटिंग के दौरान राजस्थान में जाट समुदाय के लोगो के कारन काफी मुश्किल का सामना करना पड़ा। राजस्थान की शूटिंग के बाद अब निर्माता रन्जीत शर्मा और निर्देशक राकेश सैनी मुंबई में इसकी शूटिंग में व्यस्त हैं। मढ़ स्तिथ मनीषा बंगले में इसकी शूटिंग में हम शामिल हुए।

Photo : Karamveer, Ranjeet Sharma, Sunil Pal, Saadhika, Kiran Kumar, Upasana Singh, VIP, Amar Sharma, a guest and Rakesh Saini.

फिल्म के लगभग सारे कलाकार सेट पर मौजूद थे। साधिका रंधावा (भंवरी की भूमिका में), अमर शर्मा (भंवरी के पति अमरचंद की भूमिका में), किरण कुमार (एम एल ए हरपाल सिंह की भूमिका में), करमवीर (मंत्री महिपाल मदेरणा की भूमिका में), उपासना सिंह (हरपाल सिंह की बहन इंदिरा बिश्नोई की भूमिका में) साथ ही वी आई पी और सुनील पाल पुलिस कांस्टेबल की भूमिका में मौजूद थे। डेट न होने के कारन सुदेश बेर्री (राजस्थान के एक मंत्री की भूमिका में), अरुण बक्षी (केंद्रीय मंत्री मुकुल वासनिक की भूमिका में), मुश्ताक खान (सी बी आइ के एस पी की भूमिका में) व एहसान खान (सी बी आइ अफसर की भूमिका में) सेट पर मौजूद नहीं थे। मनीषा बंगले के लॉन में एक दृश्य किरण कुमार, साधिका व उपासना सिंह पर फिल्माया जा रहा था।  दृश्य था हरपाल के घर का जहाँ हरपाल अपनी बहन के साथ बैठा हुआ है और भंवरी उनसे कहती है की अब उसका अच्छा वक़्त शुरू हुआ है, वो ऐसी ऊँचाइयों पर पहुचेगी जहाँ उसे देखने के लिए लोगो के सिर से टोपी गिर जाएगी कभी कभी सर भी। शॉट ओ के होते ही हम ने निर्माता और निर्देशक को जा पकड़ा।
निर्माता रन्जीत शर्मा ने बताया की वो शूटिंग के आखिरी चरण में हैं, कई मुश्किलों से गुजरते हुए अब यहाँ तक पहुंचे है। पूछने पर उन्होंने बताया “इस फिल्म की शूटिंग के कारन राजस्थान की जाट बिरादरी में बड़ी हलचल मची हुई थी, जाट समाज के लोगो का मानना है की निर्माता और निर्देशक इस फिल्म  ”भंवरी  का  जाल” के जरिये जाट बिरादरी को बदनाम करने की कोशिश की जा रही है, इसलिए वहां के जाट महासभा के प्रतिनिधि मंडल ने पुलिस  उपायुक्त  पूर्व को ज्ञापन दिया है तथा प्रशासन से निवेदन किया है की इस फिल्म की शूटिंग पर तुरंत रोक लगे अन्यथा वे सड़क पर उतर कर आन्दोलन करेंगे व इस फिल्म का प्रदर्शन किसी भी हालत में नहीं होने देंगे। निर्देशक राकेश सैनी ने कहा की यह फिल्म वास्तविकता के आधार पर व तथ्यों के आधार पर बना रहे हैं, इस फिल्म को बनाने के लिए ज़रूरी परमिशन उनके पास मौजूद हैं।
साधिका जो की मुख्य भूमिका में हैं उन्होंने बताया की इस भूमिका के लिए उन्होंने काफी तैयारी की, भंवरी के किरदार को करीब से जानने के लिए वे भंवरी के घर गयी, उनके परिवार वालो से मिली, जेल में जाकर उनके पति अमरचंद से मिली, तब कहीं जा कर वो इस किरदार को निभा सकी हैं। अमर शर्मा टी वि धारावाहिक ‘बालिका वधु’ से मशहूर हो ने के बाद एक जबरदस्त भूमिका के तलाश में थे जो की इस फिल्म में पूरी हुई। किरण कुमार भी अपनी भूमिका से काफी उत्साहित हैं। करमवीर स्वयं जाट बिरादरी से होने के कारन उत्साहित भी हैं और कुछ सहमे से भी हैं, उन्हें लगता है की इस फिल्म के बाद उन्हें जाट समुदाय का कोपभाजन बनना पड़ सकता हैं।
फिल्म  ”भंवरी  का  जाल” इस वर्ष दिसंबर में प्रदर्शित होगी। फिल्म की कहानी निर्देशक राकेश सैनी ने स्वयं लिखी है, संगीत रवि पवार का है, और कैमरा देवाशीष सर्कार का है, फिल्म के प्रमुख कलाकार हैं साधिका रंधावा और सुदेश बैरी साथ में अमर शर्मा, किरण कुमार, अरूण बक्षी, कंचन शर्मा, उपासना सिंह, वी आइ पी, सुनील पाल, याना मिस्त्री, करमवीर चौधरी, मेहनाज़ श्रॉफ, मुश्ताक खान और एहसान खान हैं।

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Bhappi lahiri's debut film "Dard e Disco" - Releasing on 9th november


‘It’s Rocking…Dard – e – Disco’, by Dhumketu Punatar Films has already created rage in the industry for its Music, after all King of Disco recreated magic in this movie.

It’s Rocking…Dard – e – Disco, a movie where the King of Disco Bappi Da recreates its magic by not only giving chartbuster music but also acting for the very first time in his entire career of 40 years in this industry.

The film recently had its music launch with great pomp pomp… the Disco way, giving the industry all new party anthems to groove on to. This doesn’t come as a surprise asBappi da is the man behind it.

Dhumketu Punatar of Dhumketu Punatar films fame is a man in happy spirits now, “I was confident about the film’s music right from the beginning. The star cast of the film had been supportive of me since the very start. All I can say is I am happy & all I am waiting for is the audiences to love the film & its music”, exclaimed an elated Dhumketu.

Bappi da tells, “I love these responses for the film’s music. It is rocking! When I look back at the time, when Dhumketu walked up to me with this film & I readily agreed & the way it has turned out to be,  makes me happy for this decision to act for the very first time. I hope my fans shall love this new avatar of mine as much as they have loved my music for all these years.”

Just like the music, the film looks promising enough!!!

Dhumketu Punatar, the next promising producer to be whose cast some of interesting new comers & finest actors like Rituparna Sen Gupta, Sneha Ullal, Sharad Saxena, Asrani, Shakti Kapoor, Upasana Singh, Arun Bakshi, Aryaman Ramsey, Akshay Kapoor in his maiden venture talks about his film, “Entertainment is what audiences are looking for. I chose Film production because that is where my heart lies & with Dard – e – Disco, people will leave the theatre stress free. We have put our heart & soul to make it a feel good movie with a happy ending.”

To ‘It’s Rocking… Dard – e – Disco”… Keep Rocking!!!

Jiya Re - Full song of 'Jab tak hai jaan'

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Sophie Choudry – Music video launch with Preity Zinta

30th Oct’2012,  Tuesday night saw the launch of gorgeous singer/actress Sophie Choudry’s brand new video and digital single “Hungama Ho Gaya”  at Bandra’s trendiest nightspot -Escobar in Mumbai. The video was  launched by Preity Zinta at a glittering affair.  Present at the event were Yuvraj Singh , Soha Ali Khan, Rishi Kapoor, Tusshar Kapoor, Kunal Khemu,  Vishal Dadlani ,Shekhar Ravjiani , , Harman Baweja, Sajid Ali, Imtiaz Khatri, Tanuj Garg, Mushtaq Sheikh, Pradeep Guha  and many more,

Sophie with Priety Zinta

While her recent song “It’s all about tonight” from Preity Zinta’s Ishkq in Paris is already topping charts, Sophie launched  “Hungama Ho Gaya”,a club song inspired by a popular old number ,with a music video unlike anything attempted before in the pop-club genre.  The video is directed by Shiraz Bhattacharya and shot at “Tryst” –a popular night club in Mumbai, Sophie feels the song and video is a level up on her other songs ,not to mention something she has worked on for almost 9 months.

Sophie, Priety & Yuvraj Singh

Laxmikant-Pyarelal’s First album “Aawaaz Dil Se”

On the 50th anniversary of Laxmikant-Pyarelal the sensational Jodi of LP is back. Their first ever music album which launches debutante singer Pankaj Chaturvedi “Aawaaz Dil se” was recently unvieled in Mumbai in a grandeur event.

The evening dazzled as the stars came down to celebrate a comeback event of this ace music composer who is back in the world of melodies after 14 years of exile. The launch event followed by the live performance by Pankaj was attended by Jeetendra, Prem Chopra, Ameen Sayani, Anandji, Sameer, Kishan Kumar, Ameesha Patel, singer Madhushree, Vikas Bhalla, Harry Anand, Sawaan Kumar, Mohammad Aziz and women behind this big event Sapana Chaturvedi. After enlightening the lamp and seeking blessings of Goddess Saraswati Pankaj’s performance commenced. Pyarelal forwarded his best wishes to this budding talent and blessed Pankaj for a prosperous life ahead. Pankaj’s performance thrilled and entertained the audience. His special tribute to Rajesh Khanna and Yash Chopra was “Mere dil main aj kya hain” while he also sang the songs from his album like “Paheli nazar mein” and “Maa”. His performance on the Karz’s superhit “Om shanti om” stunned the audience and the performance was met with warm round of applause.

Dressed in a humble ensemble of white kurta-pajama Pyarelal Sharma was with wife while Pankaj Chaturvedi draped himself in denim jeans matched with black blazer. Ameesha decked up in a blue jumpsuit not only was revealing her beauty way too much but the outfit also seemed like a complete no-no for the evening! However, the other guests present were seen in traditional outfit and the evergreen Jeetendra even in his Black shirt and denim stood out as the most handsome man present for the evening. Along with the album launch a rare collection of Laxmikant Pyarelal’s best 50 songs music CD and a coffee table book was also launched. These CDs and Books will be made available to the music lovers by November 13th which marks the birth anniversary of Laxmikant.
Released by Sapna Chaturvedi’s music company Eternal dreams album has been produced on a grand scale with a whopping budget of over a crore. With Aawaaz Dil Se the trinity of Pankaj, lyricist Sameer and Composer Pyarelal promise to create musical magic. The album promises to reiterate the delight for which Laxmikant-Pyarelal are famous.


                         JAI JAI MAA SHERAWALI : Releasing Soon

The films music right has been taken by T-Series and audio will launched in Next week. The film to be released shortly.

Cast : Sudha Chandran in title role as Sherawali Maa, Kadar Khan, Shamim  Khan, Farha Naaz, Vishwajeet, Rana Jang Bahadur, Irfan Khan, Laeek Khan, Raza murad, Swati Agarwal, Arun Singh, Brij Gopal, Nishat Jahan, Nagesh Mishra and in special appeariances Lakhbir Singh ‘Lakhkha’.

                                                 ON THE SET CAST AND CREW

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Actor OM PURI sings “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” for Film ‘Raambhajjan Zindabad’

After enacting lots of character in various bollywood films actor Om Puri turns melodious i.e. singer for first time for feature film “Raambhajjan Zindabaad” where he rendered song “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” (the original one not ….) which was supposed to get record in last year October, but due to his busy schedule Om Puri completed the song on 5th June 2012, as the track were recorded earlier in 2011.
Om said that basically he is not a singer as during his NSD time he and actor Naseeruddin Shah got only 17 marks out of 50 for their singing ability, but music director Vipin Patwa and director Ranjeet Guptaa wanted him to sing some particular phrases of the song, so he attempted, about film Om Puri said film “Raambhajjan Zindabaad” is a comic political satire which will go on floor in August and will be released by this year end.
Film is being made under the banner of Atlantic Adventure Ltd and recording took place at Ashok Honda Studio, Yari Road, Versova under the baton of music director Vipin Patwa. Film is produced by Khalid Kidwai & Chetan Parikh with Direction by Ranjeet Guptaa, written & lyrics by Vishal Vijay Kumar, cinematography by Chandan Kowli, editor Dilip Deo, and film is co-produced by Madhav Chitale.
Film Stars Om Puri, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Rajkumar Yadav{‘Shaitan’ fame} in lead role, Seema Azmi {‘Chak De India’ fame} in lead role, with Jagdeep, Manoj Joshi, Khushboo Kkamal & Ram Sethi,  in pivotal roles other casts are under finalization.

Friday, 11 May 2012

This Eid Salman Khan Is Tiger!

posted on: 11 May, 2012
In the dark world of intelligence and espionage… there are shadows without faces… and faces without names…
Governments fight shadow battles through these soldiers of the unknown… Battles have no rules… No limits.
Nobody on the outside knows what goes on in these secret organizations… All information is guarded in the name of National security…But some stories escape the fiercely guarded classified files… stories that become legends.
This is a film about one such story, a story that is spoken about only in hushed whispers… a story that shook the very foundation of this dark world… But like all reports that come out of this uncertain world… nobody will ever confirm those events… It may or may not have happened…
This story is about an agent named TIGER… It may now be told.
Directed by Kabir Khan and Produced by Aditya Chopra, Yash Raj Films’ romantic-thriller “EK THA TIGER”, starring Salman Khan & Katrina Kaif, is slated for an EID 2012 release.
Catch Salman Khan in the teaser trailer of “EK THA TIGER” in theatres with “ISHAQZAADE” releasing today.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Grand Premiere of Billingual Film in Hindi "Chhodo Kal Ki Baatein " and Marathi "Kashyala Udyachi Baat "-A double Whammy

Premiere of  Bilingual Film of  

 Sai Prasad Media Pvt Ltd’s

Hindi Film "Chhodo Kal Ki Baatein" & Marathi Film"Kashaala Udyaachi Baat".

Director Pramod Joshi

Producer Balasaheb Bhapkar and Shanshank Bhapkar
The evening began with red carpet walk followed by the film screening and then the formal event with Shashank Bhapkar's vision and how glad was he to be a part of the film Balasaheb Bhapkar said it is an honour to be part of the film 
Anupam kher said he was glad to be a part of the film and said they have learned a lot from each others as actors and sachin khedekar said likewise 
Star Cast present was Anupam Kher, Sachin Khedekar, Atul Parchure,Suresh Menon,Anjan Srivastav,Vijay Patkar 
Guests Divya Dutta ,Anang Desai ,Shekar suman also marked there presence and loved the film  
Shekhar suman walked in especially for anupam kher
Raju Kher was also spotted with brother Raju Kher 
The film has got rave reviews and is hitting the theatres 12th April 

Anupam Kher makes his Marathi debut in Sai Prasad Media Pvt Ltd’s Bilingual 
Film ‘Chhodo Kal Ki Baatein’in Hindi  & ‘Kashala Udyachi Baat’in Marathi .

Sanjay Roy, Shashank Bhapkar, Anupam Kher, with Balasaheb Bhapkar, and S L Srivastav 

Sai Prasad Media Pvt Ltd’s Film “Chhodo Kal Ki Baatein” (Hindi) and “Kashaala Udyaachi Baat” (Marathi) is produced by Balasaheb Bhapkar and by Shashank Bhapkar, Co-Produced by S.L.Srivastav and Associate Produced Sanjay Roy. The Film is directed by Pramod Gajanan Joshi and the songs are choreographed by Saroj Khan. The Star Cast Include Anupam Kher, Sachin Khedekar, Mrinal Kulkarni, Atul Parchure, Anjan Shrivastava, Kishori Ambiye, Shruti Welankar, Barkha Bishit Sengupta, Vijay Patkar, Suresh Menon, Rajesh Upadhya, Kishor Paradhan, Raghvendra Kadkol, Swapnil Rajshekhar. The Music is on “Hamara Music”.

The Music of the Film “Chhodo Kal Ki Baatein” (Hindi) and “Kashaala Udyaachi Baat” (Marathi) is very modern and caters to all the generation. The Music Director is Saleel Kulkarni and the Background Score credits to Bapi Tutul. Sandip Khare is the Lyricist.

The Film “Chhodo Kal Ki Baatein” (Hindi) includes 5 beautiful songs. The Song “Dil Darpan” is sung by Singer Hariharan and Shankar Mahadevan and is the pick of the album with soothing melody and grows on. The another number is Song “Atak Gaya” voiced by Singer Avdhut Gupte is a funny song and reflects the confusion in life of a person and the Music of Saleel Kulkarni goes well with the lyrics of Sandip Khare. Another one is the title track “Chhodo Kal Ki Baatein” Song which explains the concept of the film, the song is sung by Singer Shaan. The Music is by Saleel Kulkarni and the Lyricst is by Sandip Khare. Song “Rum me Gum” is an Item Number and a Peppy song which is sunged by Sunidhi Chauhan and Lyricist by Sandip Khare and Music is directed by Saleel Kulkarni. Song “Kaam Kar” is very typical song and revolves around the life of a very busy person, the Music is by Saleel Kulkarni and the Lyrics are of Sandip Khare. This Song is rendered by Hrishekesh Kamerkar.

The Film “Kashaala Udyaachi Baat” (Marathi) includes 5 beautiful songs. The Song “Man Vede”is sung by Singer Hariharan and Shankar Mahadevan. The another number is Song “Lataklela” voiced by Singer Avdhut Gupte is a funny song and reflects the confusion in life of a person and the Music of Salil Kulkarni goes well with the lyrics of Sandip Khare. Another one is the title track “Kashaala Udyaachi Baat” Song which explains the concept of the film, the song is sung by Singer Hrishekesh Kamerkar. The Music is by Salil Kulkarni and the Lyricst is by Sandip Khare. Song “Rum me Gum” is an Item Number and a Peppy song which is sung by Singer Sunidhi Chauhan and Lyricist by Sandip Khare and Music is directed by Salil Kulkarni. Song “Kaam Kar” is very typical song and revolves around the life of a very busy person, the Music is again by Salil Kulkarni and the Lyrics are of Sandip Khare. This Song is rendered by Hrishekesh Kamerkar.

Balasaheb Bhapkar says, “It is a matter of great honour to release music of Sai Prasad Media Pvt Ltd’s Bilingual Film “Chhodo Kal Ki Baatein” (Hindi) and “Kashaala Udyaachi Baat” (       Marathi) . This speaks volumes about our films and the commitment of Sai Prasad Media in making compelling content acceptable to the big giants of the film industry.” He added, “The songs of the films are composed by Saleel Kulkarni and Lyricist is Sandip Khare. The Background Score is done by Bapi Tutul. The songs are refreshing and can be compared to the Situations of any person’s life. Among all of them one is an Item Number which will be a runner for sure”.

SL srivastav and Sanjay roy also shared the same opinion that music is key to good film and there film had it all

Director Pramod Gajanan Joshi exclaimed, “Listeners will enjoy the variety in the album! On one hand there is a peppy song like Rum me Gum and on the other hand a melodious number 'Dil darpan'! Good music and very well written song, sung by equally talented singers like, Hariharan, Shankar Mahadevan, Shaan and Sunidhi chauhan! Real treat for the listeners”

The movie shows the journey of an IT professional (Sachin Khedekar) from his workaholic stage where he always craves for more, to a stage where he is satisfied and content and living the present. During this journey he comes across an interesting inspirational individual, Charismatic Blind man (Anupam Kher) who makes him understand the importance of living life wholeheartedly. Overall the film is a feel good cinema suiting all ages.   
Sai Prasad Media is a fast growing company venturing into several vibrant paths of media. The Print Division publishes a Hindi weekly called ‘Humvatan’. The Electronic Division runs India’s first Hi-Definition Hindi News Channel, ‘News Express’. The Head Honchos of SPGC include: Balasaheb Bhapkar - Chairman Cum Managing Director; S. L. Shrivastav - Group- CEO; Sanjay Roy - Group-Sr.Vice President; Shashank Bhapkar – Director; and Sai Prasad Media Pvt Ltd Sai Prasad Media Pvt Ltd, Pune (India).  Talking about their ambitious foray, Balasaheb Bhapkar - Chairman Cum Managing Director, says, “Never test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find is right road. With this belief, the Sai Prasad Group of Companies has venture into films. Our company, which is committed to the values like diligence, honesty, persistence and smart work, has chosen two wonderful intense actors Anupam Kher and Sachin Khedekar for the film foray. I am sure the film will be a big hit.”

S. L. Shrivastav - Group- CEO, says, “Today the Sai Prasad Group comprises 6 companies each having different objectives and dimensions and many more to come in due course of time. Thus we are certainly leading to emerge as a global conglomerate. Our films will have a social message and will reflect the socio-economic growth of our societies & surroundings too, with an objective of upliftment of mankind in the true sense of, ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niramaya.’

The journey of Sai Prasad Group began in 2001 with the establishment of Sai Prasad Foods Ltd on 15th October’2002. Today Sai Prasad Group stands as one of the rapidly expanding organizations in the field of foods & beverage industry, agricultural products, petroleum, real estates, infrastructure, constructions, green energy, education and media entertainment. The Sai Prasad Group Comprises of: Sai Prasad Foods, Sai Prasad Properties, Sai Prasad Finance, Sai Prasad Infra Constro, Sai Prasad Energy and Sai Prasad Media.

Currently SPGC is located in more than 100 cities, with 131 branches staffed by 1500 employees, 6 lakh advisors serving more than 11 lakh customers and associates. The ultimate goal of Sai Prasad Group of Companies is to provide "Customer Satisfaction & Customer Delight" with diligence, sincerity and commitment which are based on principle of joint participation and expectations of the customers. Established in 2002  this group is incessantly engrossed and committed to find and stride over the newer definitions of just one value…..the value of ‘Customer’s Satisfaction’. 

Production News

 Writer-producer-director Champak Bannerji has recorded all the seven songs for Champak Bannerji Productions' Kashish-The Passion Of Love in the voices of Udit Narayan, Javed Ali, Sapna Awasthi and others. Music: Durga Natraj. The film will go on the floors shortly after the finalisation of its cast and other credits.
 Superstar Shahrukh Khan has read and appreciated the script of writer-director Champak Bannerji's next, tentatively titled JUDGEMENT-THE FINAL VERDICT. According to Champak Bannerji who has won the Best Short Film Award of Shrishti Chakra at the last Goa Film Festival for his engrossing film on Global Warming:" Shahrukh Khan was mighty pleased with the script. Let's see what he says in the next meeting. I am going to complete my film KASHISH-THE PASSION OF LOVE this year and will wait for Shahrukh Khan's decision."
 Veteran actor Raza Murad is the only actor of Bollywood wo has played all the legendary  KIng and emperor characters of Indian History viz. Shahjehan in the serial VEER SHIVAJI , telecast on COLORS, Aurangzeb in veteran actor and producer Ramesh Deo's SARJA (Marathi), Jehangeer in producer-director -actor Sanjay Khan's 1857, telecast on DD 1 and Akbar in the serial TANSEN, telecast on DD1.All these Kings belong to the four generations in a single family ! Raza Murad's hypnotic voice, his majestic presence and his all round qualities of the gentleman actor with an amazing sense of humour made him the popular choice of the serial and filmmakers for these roles. Raza Murad continues to act in films and  serials and  also has the unique record of being the only actor who has been shooting almost every day since the last four decades eversince he made the dramatic presence of a 'shaayer' in Hrishikesh Mukherji's NAMAK HARAAM which was followed by director Mohan Bhakri's Punjabi film LACHHI  where he played the full-fledged villain for the first time and since then hasnt looked back.
 Tejaswini Pandit who appeared in the Marathi hit MEE SINDHUTAI SAKPAL has been signed to play the title role of Savitribai Phule in  Cine Vision Arts' KRANTI JYOTI SAVITRI BAI PHULE ( in English and Marathi). Sameer Dharmadhakiri plays the role of Jyotiba Rao Phule, husband of Savitribai who was the first Indian woman teacher from Maharashtra and who created a revolution for women's emancipation. The film is being written,produced and directed by S.K. Sha Latta and will go on the floors in the mid-week of May at Chandivali Studiuos with a non-stop 20 day shooting stint. Associate producer: Mahesh Chandra Verma. Associate writer and associate director: Baba Saheb Saudagar. Labs: Prasad Labs.
 Cine Vision Arts' TERE KHAYALON MEIN will go on the floors in the first week of June in Mumbai locales with a 20-day shooting stint. The film, written,produced and directed by S.K. Sha Latta has music by Gautam Das Gupta who has recorded three songs in the voice of babul Supriyo. Lyrics: A.K. Shukla, Nityanand and Tushaar. The cast and other credits of the film are being finalised.Labs: Prasad Labs.
  Producer Balkishan Shrivastav and director Vicky Ranawat will commence the third shooting stint of A One Cine Vision's SATYA SAI BABA from 14th April till 20th April at various locales of Mumbai and Madh Island. Govind Namdev, Gargi Patel, Azaan Ali ( as Junior Satya Sai Baba) alongwith a crowd of 200 will take part in this stint. The film's main cast is headed by Anup Jalota who plays the title role of Sata Sai Baba alongwith Jackie Shroff, Aryan Vaid,Saadhika Randhawa, Sanjeevani Gupta,Zakir Husain,Raaj Premi, Sikander,Murli Sharma,Shakti Kapoor, Aroon Bakshi,Mushtaque Khan,Shashi Sharma,Shashi Kiran,Ashok Bhatia,Babban Gholap (Nanajee) and Sudhir Dalvi ( as Shirdi Ke Sai Baba).Writer: S. Sachinder. Lyrics: Sudhakar Sharma. Music: Chander Makwana and Aanchal Talesera.Singers: Anup Jalota, Sukhwinder and Kumar Sanu. DOP: S. Pappu. Atman Films ( Nanajee) presents the film which is 40% complete.
Cine Vision Arts' 18657 TATYA TOPE ( in English, Hindi, Marathi, Tami and Telugu) will roll on the floors on August 18th at Film City, Goregaon with a grand mahurat and 15-day shooting stint. the film is being written,[produced and directed by S.K. Sha Latta. Dances: Saroj Khan. Music: Bappi Lahiri. DoP: Nazir Khan. Dr. Amol Kole plays the title role of Tatya Tope in this mammoth historical. The cast and other credits of the film are being finalised.  Lab: Prasad Labs.

Julia Roberts plays an Evil Witch

Julia Roberts plays an Evil Witch We have seen Julia Roberts play diverse characters with utmost versatility so far and the Pretty Woman has huge fan following all over the world. And now Julia would be seen in a never seen before avatar of an Evil witch. She competes with her own step-daughter in the movie ‘Mirror Mirror’ which is made on one of the most loved fairytales of all times- ‘Snow-white and the Seven Dwarfs’. Quite interestingly Julia is all set to show her villainous streak in the film. Since the Evil Witch’s character had to be played by someone extraordinarily beautiful, Roberts seemed to be the perfect choice for the role. Aged 45, Julia continues to rule Box Office and her upcoming films are The Normal Heart and August: Osage County.

On 20th April, Mirror- Mirror is directed by Indian Origin Director Tarsem Singh would release in India. Tarsem has directed films like The Cell (2000), The Fall (2006), Immortals (2011) and Mirror Mirror (2012). So far Tarsem has made films portraying unique stories that arouse curiosity, but this would be his first Love Story. Tarsem’s Mirror – Mirror is unique because of its breathtaking cinematography and screenplay-something that people would love to visualize on the big screen. The casting of the film has been done quite aptly and the beautiful Lily Collins possesses the perfect blend of elegance and innocence to match up with the young Princess’s character. The character of the charming prince is played by Armie Hammer who was earlier seen in The Social Network. Last but not the least the film boasts of stunning sets and elaborate costumes thereby giving umpteen reasons for cinema lovers to go watch it.
Julia Roberts in Mirror

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Second & Third Song Recorded for “3 Bevdey”

2nd and 3rd song of Shivco Arts “3 Bevday” was recorded on 10th April 2012 at D J Supersound recording studio Andheri west Mumbai. Penned by M.Prakash, songs are rendered by Tarannum Malik (What’s Your Rashee, Delhi Belly & Ek Tha Tiger fame), and Sangeeta Kopalkar (popular in many live programmes & many video albums).

Film has music by Dilip Sen-Sameer Sen. Film is being Produced & Directed by Pradeep Anand with Saruk K.B as co-producer, film will be introducing Jagdeep, Asrani & Shakti Kapoor as “3 Bevde”. Film also has Ehsaan Qureshi, Sunil Pal, Mushtaq Khan, Ali Khan, Pradeep Anand, Manoj Bakshi, Dilip Sen & Juniour Mehmood in pivotal roles.