30th Oct’2012, Tuesday night saw the launch of gorgeous singer/actress Sophie Choudry’s brand new video and digital single “Hungama Ho Gaya” at Bandra’s trendiest nightspot -Escobar in Mumbai. The video was launched by Preity Zinta at a glittering affair. Present at the event were Yuvraj Singh , Soha Ali Khan, Rishi Kapoor, Tusshar Kapoor, Kunal Khemu, Vishal Dadlani ,Shekhar Ravjiani , , Harman Baweja, Sajid Ali, Imtiaz Khatri, Tanuj Garg, Mushtaq Sheikh, Pradeep Guha and many more,
Sophie with Priety Zinta
While her recent song “It’s all about tonight” from Preity Zinta’s Ishkq in Paris is already topping charts, Sophie launched “Hungama Ho Gaya”,a club song inspired by a popular old number ,with a music video unlike anything attempted before in the pop-club genre. The video is directed by Shiraz Bhattacharya and shot at “Tryst” –a popular night club in Mumbai, Sophie feels the song and video is a level up on her other songs ,not to mention something she has worked on for almost 9 months.